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​My Background


As a kid growing up, I had insecurities, like any kid! These personal, family, and social insecurities provided the first set of challenges for me to overcome. Little did I know that believing in the best possible outcome as a kid, even in the midst of turmoil, would become a powerful positive habit that would help me overcome adversity as an adult. From middle school, to high school, to college and beyond, I embarked on an inspiring journey of favorable outcomes fueled by the strong educational upbringing from my parents, in spite of our low income family status.

Believing in positive outcomes empowered a high degree of risk-taking in my adulthood. I moved to Chicago straight out of grad school to work for Nielsen TV Ratings, a small niche field, away from family and local comforts. After being quickly promoted, I embraced that work for a few years. I then joined an up-and-coming rock band, toured regionally, resigned from my senior statistician job in my mid 20’s, and moved to Los Angeles to be a rock star. In this 5-year effort, I gained accolades as a musician, survived the grief of my father’s passing, and escaped from Hollywood intact.

I landed in Dallas, TX to re-envision my career as a musician and statistician. Putting my faith to work at a local church, I was again inspired to believe in great things. As the church was running out of funds, I negotiated a daycare startup that kept the church doors open. That year I also bought my first home and met my first wife! The thrill and passion of marriage was pure bliss, until it turned into a worst case scenario of survival distress I could've never imagined. All my years of possibility thinking became a blueprint for staying inspired through adversity, and pressing forward to embrace each new chapter of life.


About Zoltán

Zoltán Szentkirályi is a father, lifelong musician, a champion of Montessori childhood education, a professor of statistics at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX, and a Life Coach at Breakthrough New Life, LLC, a company he founded to empower faithful men with winning strategies against the devastation of false accusations in marriage. An unwavering advocate for men blindsided by relationship trauma, Zoltán is on a mission to challenge public narratives about domestic violence, and to shed light on the unfair tactics of trauma entitlement abuse, waged against men, and the debilitating effects it has on fathers and children. Zoltán helps men understand their wives’ childhood trauma, to honor the love for their wives, but establish firm boundaries against trauma entitlement abuse. Zoltán coaches men to be victorious in their trials, to preserve their God given destiny, restore their purpose, and to step confidently into a future of renewed hope and dignity.


​Zoltán is an educator and researcher focused on establishing strong foundations for spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical health.  He studied math at Ohio Wesleyan University and earned his statistics degree from the Ohio State University.  He is a champion of empirical evidence!  Zoltán has honed his analytical expertise in a number of complex environments, including national TV viewership estimates, business and organizational dynamics, music performance and cultural influence, medical diagnostics, academic library systems, and educational development, from birth through K-12, to university and professional mastery.  He has a keen ability to assess complex systems and relationships, and to distill the complexity down to a simplicity of key factors that exert influence over the whole system.  Zoltán aims to synthesize his interdisciplinary expertise into groundbreaking research for improved public institutional effectiveness toward the advancement of human wellness, learning and development.

Zoltán became a Christian in 2010, and has since experienced a decade of powerful testimonies and undeniable empirical evidence supporting the existence of miracles through the power of God.  He is passionate about healing ministries especially for those afflicted by trauma, to expose the systems that cause trauma, and to reveal root cause solutions for total healing. Zoltán is amazed by the profound love and closeness of God, even in the hardest times, and convinced of the depth of God's love for every individual. Zoltán has committed his life, in his own imperfect journey, as a disciple of Jesus and His healing ministry of salvation and reconciliation.


Zoltán is the second oldest of six children, of mother Enikõ Szentkirályi and father Dr. András Szentkirályi, a professor, classical music composer, communist era freedom fighter, diplomatic interpreter, and photographer.  Zoltán has likewise embraced his calling and inheritance as a professor, speaker, author, composer, and musician in his own rite.  His recordings and compositions can be found at


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© 2021-2025 by Zoltan Szentkiralyi
Breakthrough New Life, LLC

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